

小野 眞智子 Machiko Ono
神奈川県出身、在住。 デザイン系専門学校卒業後、Webデザイナー、母校での講師などを経て、2013年に独立。現在画家、フリーランスイラストレーターとして活動中。人物画をメインに、多種多様なタッチを持つ。 TV番組、広告、雑誌、WEB、イベントでのライブペインティングなど幅広く活動中。
I am originally from Kanagawa. After I graduated from design school, I worked as a DTP operator, web designer, manga artist’s assistant, and a part-time lecturer at a design school. Currently, I am a freelance illustrator and courtroom sketch artist. I primarily do portrait paintings, however, I am involved in a great variety of different activities including TV, advertising, magazines, web, and live paintings at events. Furthermore, I have been studying painting since 2012. My work is currently on display at the contemporary art gallery, Art Aiga.